14th Richmond SBC update – 17 July 2020


The 14th Richmond Boating Center remains closed, as my risk assessment – which is consistent with British Rowing and The Scouts, says – is too risky for instruction of young people.

I am visiting from time to time to check HQ and moorings/boats and do general maintenance. But I am still pretty busy with work and family, so not every week!

The HQ is accessible, and I have put up signage and provided hand sanitizer, antiseptic spray, wipes and kitchen towels  in strategic locations.
But.. if you need to visit, please let me know first.

The Fire alarm has developed a fault in one of the detectors, so I will order a new one, and replace it. but note the panel will be beeping periodically .  
BtW if any alarm/alert goes off, please let me know because they should not, and either a real alarm or a fault.
I have replaced the  starter motor and the pump float switch on Robin Arundel, so she is available for “single person” or appropriate others within govt guidelines… I still encourage any power competent people to keep their hand in, driving her.

Robin Rescue, is temporarily out of use as I took the opportunity for the outboard annual service (missed over the winter)

Trevor – Centre Manager