Firstly , sorry for the long delay since the last posting. I have been very busy in my “day job” as the the company I work for was acquired by another … and there is a bit of American “Right Sizing” going on :-/ … So a lot lot to do in reforming teams and calming nerves.
Anyway back to more interesting stuff… we have been hard at work creating Risk Assessments for boating an hte HQ to allow us to restart activities, though sadly, this is not going to be fully deployed till we would normally cease river operations for the winter. All our main events, May Fair, Scout Water Activity weekend and the Great River Race were cancelled, so the centre is ticking over with general maintenance on the building and the boats to keep things in a state of readyness.
The outboard on our support boat Robin Rescue, has been serviced and is now running well again, and the workboat Robin Arundel has a new rudder after an accident by the boat hire business damaged the old one.
Our Centre Secretary (also a Robin 🙂 ) has been hard at work and has created ,and submitted the boating Risk Assessments and “Method” guidance to the Scouts, which has now been accepted, and will soon be on our “important Documents” web page.
The Magistrates rowing Club, The Bench Blisters, have already completed their boating Risk Assessment, and have been running some gentle outings in our Skerry Fan Maker (with reduced crews and during slack tides only)
Finally a group of enthusiastic volunteers/runners from the Good Gym (see link below) have sanded and repainted our boat arch doors with teak oil. I really wish to thank them , they are a great organisation focused on running to keep fit, and then doing a charitable task. their report and more can be seen on their website. .
That’s all for now